Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Brainstorming Assignment

Brainstorming Assignment

Q Assignment Directions Please move through the following sequence (note: it will be helpful to do this in a Word Document or in Google Docs): 1. Spend a good 10-15 minutes reading and rereading the Writing Project 1 Prompt and Information page. Read the directions carefully. Watch the video I made about it. Copy and paste the text into a Word doc or Google Doc and take notes. Highlight the things that matter. make sure that you understand the project, the expectations, and the goals. 2. Take 10 minutes to do some freewriting about the essay. Set a timer on a phone or a computer and just write as much as you can without stopping. Remember the guidelines for freewriting. Remember, commit to the assignment and do the work meaningfully for credit. It's not about picking an topic, it's about going through the motions. 3. Try out at least 2 other strategies from our Brainstorming Strategies page. Any of them you want is fine. Please put sincere effort into the assignment; you don't have to write the whole essay, but meaningfully work through the exercise. Try it out with a couple of topics you're thinking of, or something that came up in your freewrite. 4. Next, please reflect on this sequence in a short paragraph of 100 words. Were you able to come up with a topic? What are your next steps? 5. Collect your writing from step 2 and 3, and paste them into a document. If you have any outside links (i.e. for the mind map), please make sure those are included in the document somewhere. Submit the document here to this assignment. Assignment Guidelines In order to receive credit, students must do the following: • submit a document that contains steps 2-4 from above. • Please put the document in MLA format. If you did a list or need to include a mind map, please just include a link to those in the document. If you need a refresher on MLA format, please visit our Essay Resources page. Rubric Assignment Rubric Assignment Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment. 2 pts Complete The student meets all of the guidelines for the assignment as outlined on the assignment directions. 1 pts Incomplete The student missed at least some of the criteria or guidelines for the assignment. 0 pts Missing The student did not turn the assignment in before the deadline. 2 pts Total Points: 2 PreviousNext

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